The Undeniable Influence of iPhones on the Restaurant Business

A few weeks ago yours, mine and just about everybody’s favorite accessory/necessity celebrated a big birthday: the iPhone turned 10.

There’s no arguing that the iPhone has transformed our lives. Ten years after the first iPhone entered the market surrounded by unprecedented hype, Apple’s seemingly untouchable innovation just keeps steamrolling past barriers. (more…)

Grilled Pizza is Hot!

It’s a hot debate whether grilled pizza began in Memphis or Rhode Island. Some say, owners Johanne Killeen and George Germon served the first at Al Forno restaurant in Providence, RI. Others swear it was Coletta’s in Memphis.

Whether Northern roots or Southern, what is true is that the flavor and smokiness from grilling pizza on real charcoal cannot be beat. If you then add pepperoni on the pizza, you will double the smoky flavor of both the pizza and the pepperoni. Fire roasted bacon will also add tremendous flavor and a bacon-goodness smell to your restaurant. (more…)

All Natural and Organic Options Emerging for Pizzerias

When people picture the perfect pizza, they might imagine a deep-dish Chicago slice covered in various meats, a thin crust Margherita slice straight out of Italy, or a massive folded-over slice of Brooklyn pie. Regardless of personal preference over the ideal pizza, most consumers can agree that they’d appreciate their slice to contain quality ingredients. Which for today’s pizza lovers means natural or organic ingredients.

European consumers have always associated fresh and natural with quality; Americans are slowly learning as demand for organic products has skyrocketed in recent years. Organic food sales reached $47 billion in 2016, an increase of 8.4 percent over the previous year. Although organic food sales account for about five percent of the total U.S. food sales, the growth is very different from the stagnant 0.6 percent growth rate for the overall food market.  Recent studies indicate the market for organic foods will rise to $320 billion by 2025. (more…)

Loyalty Programs: Creating and Maintaining Long-term Customers

Pizzerias are neighborhood fixtures, serving the community as a friendly hotspot to dine in or to order take out. People tend to select a favorite pizza place and stick to it for a variety of reasons: preferred pizzas and toppings, convenient location, speedy delivery, the atmosphere of the restaurant itself, or for the excellent loyalty program.

Every pizzeria strives to have loyal customers as they are the building blocks of a sustainable, profitable business. Capturing loyalty is the initial feat of making programs lucrative, but maintaining that loyalty can be rather difficult. (more…)

Email Marketing – Great Way to Increase Sales

In our digitally-focused world, having a presence online is vital for any business to succeed. Establishing a seamless system where a pizzeria’s website is linked to its social media accounts is an indirect way to cement an online presence. A more direct way is to promote to your customers using email marketing.

There’s no more straightforward approach than to send messages to potential customers on their cell phones, laptops, desktops and tablets. It’s touching them individually, comparable to calling them directly. email is extremely cost-efficient and has become easier than ever. A paperless way of distributing flyers, email can let previous customers quickly know about upcoming promotions or specials. (more…)

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