The PMQ Pizza Power Report – The Key Takeaways

Another year has come and gone for the pizza industry, bringing with it plenty of growth and change for pizzeria owners. PMQ Magazine recently published its annual Pizza Power Report, reviewing the biggest trends and earners of 2017. The highlights and conclusions of the report are:

  • Fast-casual pizza chains continue to experience huge growth
  • Technology is permeating every aspect of everyday business for pizzerias
  • The demand for quality ingredients explodes


Restaurants Turn to Google to Make More Dough

In an era where everything is digital and instantaneous, traditional marketing platforms are so yesterday: Television commercials get fast-forwarded, Yellow Page books are thrown out, and telemarketers are hung up on. Instead of advertising to such broad groups, pizzerias both small and large are using a more targeted approach to connect with customers through Google advertisements and searches.

Getting found on Google is probably the no. 1 priority for any business, especially for restaurants. Consider that a study revealed that 51 percent of all mobile searches on Google are for restaurants. When people are searching on Google, they are interested in the product or service RIGHT NOW. They’re in buying mode, so as a business you want to be found and clicked on.

Google offers businesses two ways to be discovered: First, in the natural or organic search results. And second, as an ad located at the top and bottom of the page or along the right side. The ads are charged on a pay-per-click model, so a business only pays when the ad is clicked on. This allows a business to control costs and only pay for real leads. (more…)

For Restaurants Looking to Grow – How About Lunch?

Pizza for lunch? Sounds delicious but for most consumers, pizza is a dinnertime staple. Unfortunately for consumers, many pizzerias opt out of promoting lunch.

While there are inherent barriers to achieving success both at lunch and dinnertime, many pizzerias have the potential to accomplish it seamlessly.

Speed, value, and convenience help draw people into an establishment for lunch when they are on a midday break, so optimizing those three elements will generate more success. Here are a few areas pizza operators can focus on when trying to capitalize on the lunch rush crowd: (more…)

Pizza and Thanksgiving

Everyone’s main focus in November is to surround themselves with family, friends, and inherently dive into the annual Thanksgiving feast. While turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce are the staples on Thanksgiving, pizza has become more and more associated with the holiday.

Quietly sandwiching Thanksgiving are two of the biggest days of the year for pizzerias. This phenomenon should be no surprise … It’s the usual reasons why pizza is America’s no. 1 comfort food: it’s fast, easy, convenient and unbelievably delicious and satisfying! (more…)

Honoring National Pizza Month: A Slice of Pizza History

While many Americans consider pizza a constant fixture of our country’s cuisine, no one really takes time in between bites to ponder its origin or exactly how it rose to the top as our no. 1 comfort food.

Pizza, of course, hails from Italy, but there is much more to the story than it being miraculously created one day in a countryside villa. The popularity of pizza led to October being declared National Pizza month, so its founding and early history warrants a look back.  (more…)

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