One of our younger staff members contributed this blog – the pizza industry would not exist with the love and support of young people. Enjoy!!
There is an undeniable connection between food and family. In my very Italian family at least, food is the constant centerpiece of every gathering. From my grandmother’s incredible Chicken Parmesan recipe to our tradition of homemade ravioli’s on Christmas Eve, meals mean more than mere sustenance. The process of shopping together for the ingredients, preparing the meal, and finally enjoying dinner is a bonding experience that is passed down from generation to generation.
Pizza has especially been a focal point for my family. When possible, Friday nights are reserved as homemade pizza night. Family and friends come together to create a variety of pizzas while sharing wine and good conversation. Everybody takes turns in decorating the pies with a seemingly endless supply of ingredients. I personally am obsessed by spicy food so my pizzas are often smothered with the hottest pepperoni, sausages, and salami. I also have no restraint when it comes to crushed red peppers as my slices are overflowing with the spicy speckles. (more…)