The PMQ Pizza Power Report – The Key Takeaways

Another year has come and gone for the pizza industry, bringing with it plenty of growth and change for pizzeria owners. PMQ Magazine recently published its annual Pizza Power Report, reviewing the biggest trends and earners of 2017. The highlights and conclusions of the report are:

  • Fast-casual pizza chains continue to experience huge growth
  • Technology is permeating every aspect of everyday business for pizzerias
  • The demand for quality ingredients explodes


Holiday Traditions

At this time of year, we look to those things that bring us comfort and enjoyment.  That often means turning to one’s family and friends while creating a festive meal filled with time-honored foods to celebrate.

We all have our favorite traditions during the Holidays.  It harkens back to our childhood when we beamed as we opened presents, or helped Mom in the kitchen to make her favorite stuffing or dessert – the one that was handed down from generation to generation.

There are many such traditions we rely on during the Holidays: (more…)

Safe Pizza Delivery Tips

Many pizzas are delivered by company drivers. With snow and cold weather returning, driving gets more precarious. Pizzerias offering delivery should meet their drivers to review safe delivery practices. The following are a few tips to help ensure that every delivery arrives safely.

  • Know the route – Prompt delivery is achieved through careful planning. Encourage your drivers to review the route before heading out on deliveries. Even if using a navigation system or smart phone with turn-by-turn directions, look at the overall route ahead of time. Quick turns do not mix well with rain, snow or ice.


Cashing in the Convenient Store Slice

Filling up the gas tank often requires a quick trip inside of the station where a customer can browse the displays for a snack. Besides the usual candy, chip displays and oversized sodas, more consumers are grabbing hot food items. The latest hot seller is delicious pizza – by the slice or convenient small pie.

Convenience store and gas station pizza may not immediately sound appealing, but consumers are buying them up. According to the market research company the NPD Group, the amount of pizza dough shipped to convenience stores shot up by 27 percent in just one year. Convenient store pizza has become the dark horse of the pizza market, riding past conventional competitors at a speed no one could have anticipated. (more…)

Six Tips to Boost Halloween Pizza Sales

Trailing only the Super Bowl, Halloween consistently drives the highest number of pizza sales in a single day. That’s quite a treat for pizzerias! But the trick is how to maximize the day?  

Pizza and Halloween have become the perfect match, as families want a quick, hearty dinner before heading out for trick or treating. Also, friends and neighbors getting together during the festivities can enjoy pizza while handing out candy. Pizza is an easy way to feed a crowd – everyone loves pizza! After the trick or treating is over, leftovers make an excellent snack.

As a pizza operator, you have many reasons to love Halloween. Here are a few ideas to boost your Halloween pizza sales even more: (more…)

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