Serving Wine with Pizza Offers New Opportunities

Beer and pizza are the natural pairing served in pizzerias throughout the world. With the growing popularity of craft beers, there are even more reasons to enjoy a cold brew with any variety of pizza. But beer isn’t the only pizza-friendly drink option. For those who aren’t leveraging creative vino options as a revenue stream, it might be time to consider expanding your wine program.

With the U.S. now the no. 1 wine consuming nation in the world, restaurants can reach out to new customers, especially women, who represent nearly 60 percent of the total wine consumption. Pizzerias don’t need an extensive wine list, rather a well-chosen selection of whites, reds and pinks to serve with popular pizza types. (more…)

Slices for a Sweet Tooth

One of the reasons why pizza is America’s no. 1 comfort food is the sheer variety available – it’s the ultimate personalization food as the various toppings offer multiple choices starting with spicy pepperoni, crispy ham, juicy pineapple, and even… marshmallows? Yes, even marshmallows.

Dessert pizzas have risen in popularity in recent years, garnering quite the following on many pizzeria social media pages. Social media allows chefs to get creative and play around with recipes that stray far from traditional pizza pies. Online platforms offer them a fertile testing ground where people can like and comment on a newfound recipe. The chefs are then empowered to create the new pizza with the knowledge that customers are willing to purchase their creation. (more…)

Safety First for Restaurant Delivery Drivers

Spring is in the air. Winter driving hazards have melted away, but the roads may be more dangerous as cars are free to speed along in clear conditions. With more than 80 percent of pizzerias offering delivery, it’s an ideal time to review safe delivery practices with drivers.

There are also precautions drivers should take when carrying the food orders to homes, apartments or hotels. The following are a few tips to help ensure that every delivery arrives hot and fresh and your drivers return safely:


Plan for Pizza Expo Success

So, you decided to attend the 2017 Pizza Expo in Las Vegas – great decision, now how do you get the most from your time at the show?

To have the most productive show, it’s best to be prepared – know what you want to research, understand your budget, gather a list of questions, and be ready to find something unexpected. Review consumer trends, what’s hot? Look at Pizza Today Magazine for trends in flavor, ingredients, equipment and technology.

To help you plan your visit to the Pizza Expo, here are suggestions: (more…)

Kiosks – Adding Convenience and Speed to Service

Technology is growing exponentially, morphing the restaurant industry and more specifically, changing the way in which customers order their food.

The rise of fast-casual dining and popularity of online ordering has placed greater emphasis on the initial customer interaction – the process of viewing the menu offerings and selecting a meal. For years, restaurants placed more emphasis in the kitchen and less on the other side of the counter. Today’s diners want control, quality, speed – the whole enchilada. As a result, restaurants are looking at new ways to provide this efficient, balanced experience. (more…)

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