What’s Hot? – Spicy Jalapeno Pepperoni Pizza

We know that on any given day, pizza is America’s most popular food. Did you also know that more people prefer spicy foods than mild ones?

Put those two indelible facts together and what do you get?  A Spicy Pizza, of course. (more…)

If it’s what’s for dinner, expect to pay more

WASHINGTON — Grocery shoppers facing sticker shock at the supermarket for beef, pork and other meats should get ready to pay even more in 2014, the federal government said Thursday, with high prices unlikely to ease any time soon.

Estimates for the growth in retail prices for meats, many of which are sitting at record highs because of drought and diseases across the country, were increased by the Agriculture Department in August. The department now expects meat prices to rise 6.5% in 2014, up from 5.5% forecast a month earlier, and well ahead of the 20-year average increase of 2.9%. The beef and veal category was revised upward to 8.5% this year, with pork slated to jump 8%. Poultry was unchanged at 3.5%. (more…)

Exploding the Boundaries of the Classic Calzone

Like burgers and pizzas before them, the internationally recognized calzone is undergoing an explosion of flavor giving restaurants a highly beneficial addition to their menus.

Creative pizza operators have taken the traditional meat and cheese turnover and given them a style makeover that incorporates the widest array of international flavors. (more…)

How Our Pepperoni is Made – Authentic and Classic!

It might surprise you to learn that making pepperoni has more to do with making wine than with making sausage.

Making sausage is easy; anyone can do it in a home kitchen.  Combine meat and spices and grind, throw in an oven and your sausage is ready. (more…)

Spicy Is Hot!

We love spicy food.  Right?  The hotter the better … there are some people who are not happy unless the food makes them sweat.

In fact, most people prefer spicy food over mild, which is why pepperoni is the No. 1 topping on pizza.  Pepperoni pizzas are the pies of choice among Americans – eaten in equal quantities as its boring alternative: cheese pizza.  (About 70 percent of pizzas are either cheese or pepperoni.) (more…)

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