USDA – Iowa Continues to be #1 in Pork

The Overview of the United States Hog Industry report provides an official periodic review of efficiency trends and changes in the structure of the United States swine breeding herd. This report will also note changes in hog inventory, compare historic hog prices and review live hog imports and marketings. This report compares the current 2014 production year data to the 2008 production year data previously released in the Overview of the U.S. Hog Industry report, published in October 2009.

Iowa continues to be the largest pork producing state in the country (page 10). As of December 1, 2014, Iowa accounted for 31.4% of the total United States hog and pig inventory. North Carolina (13.0%), Minnesota (12.0%), Illinois (6.9%) 2 Overview of the United States Hog Industry (October 2015) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service and Indiana (5.5%) round out the top five pork producing states. A detailed 2012 Census of Agriculture map showing concentrations of hogs and pigs throughout the United States can be found on page 10. read more …

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