Is your best friend’s privacy more important than pizza? Don’t be afraid to say no — you’re not alone.
While 60 percent of Americans say they would never feel comfortable sharing their email contacts, throw in a cheesy, greasy pie and that notion disappears. A recent study of 3,108 MIT students found that a whopping 98 percent of college students gave up their best friend’s email address when they were promised a free slice of pizza.
But you don’t necessarily need pizza in order to get students to cough up their friends’ information — in fact, many needed no incentive at all. The study sampled two groups of students — an incentivized group and a non-incentivized group. While 98 percent of the incentivized group gave up their friends’ contact info for pizza, 94 percent of students from the non-incentivized group also willingly gave up their friends’ email addresses despite not being offered free pizza. read more –