Looking at comfort foods, pizza tops America’s list of favorites. With a 15% slice of Americans hailing it as their number one, it gets more than twice as many votes as any other food choice. Chocolate and ice cream tie for second, at 7% each, while mac & cheese and chips round out the top five (5% and 4%, respectively).
There’s really no debate that food can be a comfort. Whether stressed or depressed, almost everyone has a favorite go-to dish that seems to help make everything all better. Just over half (53%) of Americans indicate they eat more when they’re stressed and two-thirds (67%) agree they use their favorite comfort food as a pick-me-up. But there’s no shame here. As the ultimate food connoisseur, Julia Child, once said: “Everything in moderation… including moderation.” Americans seem to hold a similar viewpoint, as two thirds (66%) indicate they don’t feel guilty after indulging in their favorite comfort food.