PMQ Article – 8 ways to pop summer sales

PMQ published a timely article on summer sales – read here

There’s a lot to be said for four-walls marketing—it’s the polar opposite of the major chains’ slick and impersonal mass-media advertising approach, and it’s proven to get results, especially for local independent pizzerias. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t venture outside now and then to promote your pizzeria. Neighborhood marketing is another proven strategy that focuses on the community that surrounds you, and it’s one of the most powerful ways to establish yourself as a civic leader. Here are eight quick, easy-to-implement neighborhood marketing ideas from the master himself, consultant Tom Feltenstein of Tom Feltenstein’s Power Marketing Academy.

1. Dispatch several employees with strong people skills throughout a four-block region to hand out menus and coupons to area businesses. Free samples will be well-received, too, as long as you make sure they’re still fresh and hot upon arrival.

2. Purchase a new movers list every month, and send each person on the list a limited-time-only coupon for a free one-topping pizza.

3. Reach out to all new businesses shortly after they have opened in your area. Be the first to greet them with samples, coupons and menus.

4. Give your delivery drivers magnetic business cards to hand out to each customer. These magnets should include your pizzeria name, address, website, delivery phone number and online ordering information (if applicable). For an added dose of humor, give each driver a memorable nickname or slogan, such as “the Road Warrior” or “Have Pizza, Will Travel.”

5. Surprise a local doctor’s or dentist’s office with a free lunch for all employees, and bring lots of menus to hand out. A realtor’s office is another good one. Take photos and post them on social media.

6. Create a fake “parking ticket” and have employees place them on car windshields in your area. The tickets should feature enticing coupons and special offers that will pull these potential customers through your doors. When someone comes in with a ticket, shoot a picture and post it on social media to keep the buzz spreading. And don’t forget to sign them up for your loyalty program!

7. Sponsor a special discount day just for local first responders, such as firefighters, police officers, paramedics and emergency medical technicians. Encourage them to bring their families. Promote the event on social media in advance and post photos after the fact.

8. Send employees to pass out coupons and menus at Little League, softball and other local sporting events. Mom, Dad and the kids will be hungry after the game, and many will be looking for somewhere to eat. Make sure to get the coupons in coaches’ hands, too!

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