New Study Finds Lean Pork Can Be Included…

DES MOINES, Iowa, June 11, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Adults following the health-promoting DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan to help lower blood pressure can also include nutrient-rich lean pork as the primary source of protein in their diets, according to new research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.[1]

Purdue University researchers found that when adults ate lean pork, instead of the typical chicken and fish as their main protein source in the health-promoting DASH diet, they had the same blood pressure benefits regardless of protein source – with systolic blood pressure decreasing around 7 to 8 points and diastolic around 4 to 5 points after six weeks, based on a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring system.

“While the traditional DASH diet includes chicken and fish, our research suggests that lean pork may also be a part of this healthy eating pattern,” said study lead author Dr. Wayne W. Campbell, Nutrition Science Professor at Purdue University. “Many Americans enjoy red meat, so the recommendation to limit red meat in the typical DASH diet could be a potential barrier to adapting this eating plan. Swapping in lean pork could help more people follow this healthful eating plan.”

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