High beef prices will continue as recent drought conditions reduced

Beef prices continue climbing on record highs

Cows can’t jump over the moon, but beef prices are skyrocketing nonetheless.

So, what’s the beef?

That’s a question many cattle herders may be hearing since their supply is tight, which is pushing up meat prices to more than $6 a pound.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, choice beef retail prices averaged about $6.31 per pound in December, up 0.1 percent from November’s previous record high and 17.7 percent higher than one year ago. Industry officials said the price of beef is determined by the economics of the industry — supply and demand. And while consumers are buying up cheaper alternatives like chicken, meat eaters still are chowing down on beef.


Read more … http://lubbockonline.com/local-news/2015-01-24/climbing-beef-prices-doing-little-curb-consumers-taste-cow-area-experts-say#.VMZ0GP54pcR

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